Slobodan Bojičić befindet sich auf der Position des Direktors des Sektors für Planung, Bau und Wartung des passiven optischen Netzwerks. Er begann seine Karriere bei Megatel d.o.o. wo er sich mit dem Design und Bau von optischen Netzwerken, struktureller Verkabelung und Videoüberwachung beschäftigte. Danach arbeitete er in den Unternehmen Targo Telekom, SBB, UBConnect, ZTE, XYZ Engineering & Consultancy, Yettel. Er verbrachte den größten Teil seiner Karriere im Bereich Design und Aufbau optischer Netzwerke in verschiedenen Positionen: Ingenieur, Designer, Feldkoordinator, Projektmanager. Er nahm an Projekten in Serbien, Montenegro, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Norwegen, den Niederlanden und Deutschland teil. Er verbrachte 2 Jahre in der Position des Direktors eines Unternehmens, das 5G-Netze für die Gebiete der Niederlande, Belgiens und Deutschlands entwickelt. Er absolvierte die Hochschule für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien und danach die Masterstudien an der Singidunum Universität.
Vladislav Petković holds the position of Head of Planning, Construction and Maintenance of Transportation Systems Department .
He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Throughout his professional career, he has worked on international projects in the field of telecommunications, with companies such as IZHTEL, Siemens, and Nokia Siemens Networks.
Upon joining our company, he initially held the position of Service Engineer.
His extensive experience in the telecommunications industry, dedication, and professional attitude towards his work, as well as his colleagues, have led him to his current position.
Tijana Radisavljević is a Senior Project Manager in the Access Network Design Department.
She graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade and subsequently completed her master’s studies.
She began her professional career at Godes Montaža, where she was involved in network maintenance. Upon joining Konsing Group, she initially held the position of Project Engineer, followed by the position of Laboratory Engineer in the Design and Development Sector. Then she decided to continue her professional development with our company, taking on the role of Chief Access Network Design Engineer.
Over the years, she has gained extensive experience in designing access networks, managing and planning projects, as well as leading and organizing people, which has led her to her current position within our company.
Filip Vejnović holds the position of Senior Project Manager in the Sector for Construction of Base Stations Locations and Solar Power Plants. He graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Construction department, where he also completed his master’s studies. He began his professional career at the Russian company Stroi Tehno Engineering, based in Moscow, as a Civil Engineer, where he worked on the execution of final construction and finishing works on projects. He then moved to Radgon in Belgrade, where he held the position of Project Manager for the construction of several residential buildings. His comprehensive understanding of the technical aspects of construction, as well as his ability to coordinate the work of departments and people, led him to our company as a Project Manager, from which he advanced to his current position.
Bojan Milinković holds the position of Head of Passive Optical Networks Design Department. He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade. He began his career at Energoprojekt Entel, where he worked on the design of telecommunications networks. From his role as Project Manager at Energoprojekt, he moved to Huawei Technologies, where he worked on the FTTH/GPON project for Telekom Srbije. He then focused on project planning and designing passive optical networks at Hyperoptic Ltd., where he served as a Team Leader. He continued his professional development with our company, initially as a Senior Design Engineer, from which he deservedly advanced to his current position.